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Assassins Full Movie Hd Download

As mentioned above, Jenkins devised the term transmedia storytelling in 2003,talking about the flow of a narrative across media. According to Jenkins, atthe base of a good transmedia narrative lies a compelling storyworld: "Agood character can sustain multiple narratives and thus lead to a successfulmovie franchise. A good 'world' can sustain multiple characters(and their stories) and thus successfully launch a transmediafranchise." (Jenkins, 2003, para. 13). In his book Convergence Culture (2006) Jenkins calls The Matrix a prime example of this new practice of transmedia storytelling. In thisbook, Jenkins gives a more elaborate definition of transmedia storytelling:

In 2008 Ubisoft acquired Hybride Technologies, a visual effects studio. In anews statement at the time, Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot explained theacquisition saying, "The future of our industry depends on our abilityto create brands that captivate audiences and to extend those brands to otherforms of entertainment" (Ubisoft News US, 2008), to which Montreal CEOYannis Mallat added, "Ubisoft and Hybride share the same vision ofentertainment convergence" (ibid.). Most gamers assumed that Ubisoftwould be branching out into film, but at Ubisoft's 2009 E3 PressConference Guillemot explained that the acquisition was not merely a bid atmedia convergence. Rather, Ubisoft wanted more, they wanted confluence,"our strategy is to put in place bridges between the creative talentsbuilding those [fully interconnected] worlds to enrich each other'sexperience" (Guillemot, 2009). Adding that Ubisoft, "...had alreadyentered the era where movies, games, music and books interact around theconstruction of a single universe experience" (ibid.) What could beachieved using this approach became clear when at the very end of theconference Ubisoft showed their Assassin's Creed II E3launch trailer, which combined the digitally created world of the upcoming Assassin's Creed II game with real-life actors16. Acquiring Hybride Technologies meant that Ubisoft could now share assets,designers, tools and footage, between different media texts. However, when welook at the next set of Assassin's Creed media texts, those with Desmond's ancestor Ezio Auditore da Firenze, itbecomes clear that this part of the franchise is again mostly characterdriven.

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